Monday, June 11, 2007

Open Eyes

why am I walking around with my eyes closed all of the time? Running into things, mistaking one thing for another and surely not getting where I want/need to be. Yeah, I see all of the stuff of this world but im sick of seeing the same old crap. What does our almighty God and Creator see? Our apostle Paul prayed that we would be "enlightened in the eyes of our hearts", that we may see the Truth beyond the use of our eyes that see into this world. Oh God, that the eyes of my heart would be enlightened. I am so tired of only seeing half way. His eyes, I want His eyes. To see as He sees and react as He reacts to His world. Of course, Jesus was our best example of His eyes in this world and we see the life of miracles and wonders that ensued. My prayer today- His eyes.

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