Thursday, June 14, 2007


One year ago today began one of the most amazing years of my life. It started with two people who have directly influenced my life in profound and very different ways. One, with the best of intentions, taught me the deep hipocracy and lack of belief that plagues the "church" today. I am thankful for this lesson because I am much more aware of satans handywork and how to fight it. The confusion and lack of true obediance to Christ that I see in so many people (including myself) is deeply saddening. I pray that hearts will turn towards Him and wait for His voice and not that of a corrupted church. The other individual, a dear friend, taught me that there will never be satisfaction in anything or anyone besides our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I also learned that I will forever be a slave to Christ and that doing 'whatever I want' is a straight road to hell. A friend that will walk with you through these lessons is true and faithful. Through the trials of this past year I have learned so much from the Lord through the many people He has put into my life. I can honestly say today, June 15, 2007, that I am better because of all of it.

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