Saturday, December 8, 2007

confronting reality

Admittedly, I am the product of two realities. One that consist of the physical circumstances that surround me, attempting to influence my decisions based on the natural processes of the world. The pressure is to allow cause and effect to be the determining factor of my fleshly choices. The second reality, the Truth, is the reality of the Supernatural. The Reality where I serve a righteous God who created ALL things and is in control of ALL things. The Reality that truly rules and reigns on this earth and sets everything in its place. Unfortunately, there is the evil component of the supernatural Reality that presses in on me every day. The evil that reigns on earth has so influenced the natural/physical reality that it has become a constant battle upon my flesh, attempting to convince me that it is Truth. Oh, how I long to make my home in the supernatural reality that is "Christ in me, the hope of Glory", to live guided by the Spirit of God and battling against the evil forces that make their home on this earth. To live in and not just speak of the Reality that is my inheritance in the Kingdom of God. In that place His Kingdom will come and His will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.


amy (metz) walker said...

Hi sweet girl...hope all is well with you. I think that every person struggles with translating the "knowing" about God into the "doing" "being" part. I think when you stop struggling to make that transition from living it in your mind to living it out in your life...that's when you are in trouble.

I would love to catch up soon.

John and Natalee Warren said...

Hey girl, I love reading your blogs...they are so much deeper than I can even think!! That being said you should post more often!;-)
Did you know I started a blog for John and I :!
Anhyhow, I miss you tons and would love to catch up!

Magen said...

hey katie! found you on natalee's. glad to know you're a blogger, too!